Wednesday, October 14, 2009

brain dump

Here are other things I've been thinking about lately:

- I wish Texas had more of a Fall. It's been chilly and rainy here for the past two weeks-- Justin is sick of it but I just LOVE the change in the seasons and am always SO ready for rain at the end of summer. This weekend it is back to 80 degrees and sunny. Very good for golf carting... but I just wish it was cold already! Miss that Nor Cal weather...

- Speaking of Nor Cal, I really hope my sister, Jen makes it up to Apple Hill this year with her camera and posts on it! If anyone knows of a place in Texas like this I want to know about it!

- Who has plans for Halloween? I think this year is going to be pretty low key for us. We haven't heard of anything going on and I'm pretty sure I have to work that weekend. On that note, can someone PLEASE dress up as Jon Gosselin this year?? Ed Hardy sweatshirt, slicked back hair, diamond earrings. Funniest Halloween Costume of '09

- Is it me or is EVERYONE pregnant right now?! I now know of 7 people that are prego! Between March and June there are going to be some serious babies born! Saweeet!

- I am going to step out on a limb and say that I like tights. I have never worn them in my adult life (although when my Mom was still choosing my outfits she was obsessed-- see below) but I think I would like to venture there again... how do you wear tights? under a dress?

("tights" circa 1997)

- I got an 83% on my Psych test today!!!! I know that doesn't seem impressive enough to warrant all those exclamation points but 100 questions on Neuroscience and Biological Relationships isn't that fun.

- Was I not the cutest, fattest bunny you have ever seen?! This is probably my favorite picture of myself as a baby-- taken my first Halloween. I just love the pure joy on both of our faces.

- I'm obsessed with sour candy lately. Here are my top 3 favorites-- Sour Patch Kids and Watermelons, Starburst Sour GummiBursts and Watermelon Sour straws-- I feel like a 2nd grader buying them at 7-11, but I don't care, they're delicious!

- Rocky has been going to the dog park almost every other day! We found a really cute park about a mile from our house and there are always such cute, fun dogs for Rocky to play with! It's a great way for him to burn all that energy and he just loves to play with all the other dogs. The only downfall is he has to get a quick bath when we get home-- the mud is sick!

- Justin's birthday is in 13 days and I have no ideas...

Tomorrow J and I are headed to the Texas State Fair! I can't wait to see the baby pigs in the nursery and get a corndog (weird correlation there) and J is excited for the car show!-- such a boy. Pictures to follow soon!

-- kb

all dogs go to heaven

I have been a terrible blogger lately. We've had a lot going on and I just haven't been in the mood to sit down and explain it all.

We had to put Sunny, our precious new pup to sleep on Thursday, October 8th. She got really, really sick really fast and there was nothing we go do to help her at that point. She was showing signs of Distemper about a month ago, with a pretty bad case of Kennal Cough-- but we managed, with a few different types of anti-biotics to relieve her of that. She was doing a lot better for about 2 weeks and then we noticed she started to act a little different. She just wasn't acting her normal crazy self-- very lethargic, so I knew it was time to take her to the vet once again (at this point she has been to the vet over 5 times since we adopted her Sept. 9th-- we're on a first name basis with these people)-- her being tired and weak wasn't anything the vet could give us meds for, but we just wanted to make sure that we were doing everything we could. We continued with the high calorie food and letting her rest as much as possible but it just progressed from there-- she started to become weaker and weaker by the day and by the time I called the vet on Thursday we knew what would have to happen. It was honestly one of the most terrible, heart-wrenching things I have ever had to do. J and I were both really torn up over it. Even though we knew it was what had to be done, we still miss her everyday.

We have briefly talked about getting another dog but have decided that for right now, we are going to take a breather and relax and try and enjoy the holiday season. Maybe after the New Year we'll think about adopting again.