First question: Are people pronouncing it "twenty- ten" or just going with "oh- ten" for short? I haven't decided which one I like better yet, and honestly don't even think I have had to write or say 2010 so far... my life has been quite a bore lately.
Justin and I flew back to Dallas on December 28th-- We both had a BLAST in Sacramento and we're sad to come home. It was honestly the first time since I have lived in Dallas (over three years now) where I was genuinely not excited about coming home (to Dallas-- "home" has two meanings now a days)... other than the fact that I was missing my pup. I was just having such a fun and relaxing time with my family and since Justin was there too, it just didn't feel like there was much to come home to. Some of the many highlights were getting to spend some precious time with my niece, McKayla-- she is so much smarter and funnier every time I see her and I just love spending time with her. Jennie and Brian made an awesome Surf and Turf dinner a few days before Christmas and I had the best tempura-ish shrimp EVER! Thanks, Bri! A few days later we went back over to Jennie and Brians, just my Mom, and Justin and I and we all played Country Band-- like Rock Band but ALL country! It was a blllllast! ... I may need to post one of the videos-- too funny! Justin and I also got to take a short day to trip to Lake Tahoe the day after he landed. It was perfect weather and it was so fun being able to show him such a beautiful place! He was blown away by the gorgeous mountain ranges and all of the freshly fallen snow-- we just don't have anything like that here in Texas. Here are a few pictures from the trip--

Surf and Turf dinner at Jennie and Brians!

The Sabel- Harless girls-- and Brian at Sabel Family Christmas in Novato!

KB and KB! My niece, McKayla and I spending lots of time at Christmas together :)
(I'll try and upload some of the pictures of Justin and I in Tahoe tomorrow)
Anyway, when we came back to town I started training as a bartender at the Country Club that I have been working at since August. Since this is our slow time of year all of the bartenders and cart girls are cross training so that this summer we can trade off on positions. I think this is an awesome idea-- generally it means I might not get too burned out working 12 hour shifts outside in the blistering heat this summer... an awesome concept! I haven't been working much (literally I've worked 2 shifts in the last 2 weeks) because of the cold cold COLD weather. Tonight we are getting in some sort of "arctic freeze" that is going to put us in the teens overnight for the next couple of days! Not sure that I have ever had to deal with such low temperatures-- a new experience! ... one that I'll be enjoying from inside! :)
What are y'alls new years resolutions? I honestly don't really remember ever really making one and staying up with it but this year I think I might... I think my NY resolution is going to be start being a little bit more passive. I have realized that sometimes I can be a little overwhelming in my opinions and about what I think is right-- not saying being a push over is anything to brag about but I think I should just mellow out for a while and really try and relax and not be so aggressive... this having to do alot in my relationship with J, as well. He is allowed to have his opinions on things and just because I don't agree with them doesn't mean it's always right to stir the pot. Definitely something I can work on. My other resolution will be to (try) and stop worrying about other people so much. I refuse to put myself out in order to help someone that is not willing to help themselves. Even if that means absolutely cutting all possible ties with that person in hopes that it will help them to realize their own individual potential and maybe even do something to better themselves... on their own.
Wishing everyone a blissful year full of all of life's endless possibilities!
P.S. These are my new cowboy boots, courtesy of Santa (err... I mean, Justin). They are finally starting to mold to my feet but even if they didn't I would still wear them because they are just so darn cute!