Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Brain Dump::

Here is a list of what is running through my head right now. I will call her brain dump.

The summer humidity in Texas sucks. I feel like I’m living in a terrarium. And for the record, I hate reptiles.

I have decided I need to begin a new hobby when I return to school in a couple of weeks. I know I won’t have a lot of time to lally-gag, but after perusing the isles of JoAnn’s last week with my sisters I’m feeling a teeny bit inspired. Here are the requirements:
Inexpensive, fun, involves slight creativity, needs little assistance from others or much prep and has a finished product I can be proud of. Any ideas?

Yes, I am back to school August 25th!!!! Only two more weeks of full-time paychecks is a scary thought…

J and I just adopted a little girl puppy for from Operation Kindness [link] in Carrolton, TX. It’s the oldest and largest no- kill shelter in North Texas and it sure seemed like a wonderful place for animals that don’t have families yet. I may even try and volunteer there in the near future… More on our new addition soon…

I’ve only slept 12 hours in the last 72 hours. Not my idea of a good time.

Have you guys been to allrecipes.com? I go there every time I want to cook almost anything now… I love to read all of the posted comments (where people can change up the original recipe a little bit), and have found some seriously awesome recipes. Thanks, Mom!

I have hundreds of pictures on my laptop that need to be printed and hung up (and transfered to a zip drive for that matter)… for some reason it keeps slipping lower on the To- Do list as my list keeps growing longer and longer...

I was listening to my usual talk radio this morning on my way to work when I heard one of the DJ’s going ON and ON about how EVERYONE loves the circus and how could anyone NOT like the circus- the animals are so cute and funny! and she is so excited to go and take her child! blah blah blah... She obviously has never read anything about animal cruelty or seen ANY articles about how Barnum & Bailey treats their animals and how they get them to do those “cute and funny” tricks. Some people just need to take there head out of the clouds (or pull it out of somewhere else). I vowed long ago never to support that nauseating form of entertainment. End rant.

Can anyone tell me how to post a link on here? Like, for instance, if I wanted to post a link to Google- I could attach the link to the word Google, so you could just click and browse? Please help. I'm new at this... and not completely computer savvy.

I found something special (that I have been looking for, for awhile now) and can’t wait to purchase it! Although I’m having a personal battle with which “state” I want to rep—maybe I’ll just buy both and wear whichever one I’m more into that day. California girl or Texas gal…

I STILL cannot think of a cute title for this blog. Help

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kate,
    So glad you have your own blog NOW! Love the name you selected! :-)

    Did you already figure out how to add a link? If not, go into the edit mode of a blog post and highlight the text you want people to click on. Then, go up to the green ball button (to the right of the text color) and click on it. Enter the URL and click OK.

    Love ya!
