Lately, I have been thinking a lot about eating healthier and working out. I have been to the gym 6 or 7 times in the last 2 weeks which must be a record for me! It feels good to be doing cardio and lifting some weights again. Along with that I have been reading a few books on healthier eating and cooking and alternative ways of cooking. After watching a show on Oprah (she's always getting my mind rolling...) about the new documentary Food Inc. in which they show how technological chicken, turkey and beef has become in our country. It's crazy how engineered these animals have become and it just didn't sit well in my stomach (ha). It also talked a lot about "real food" vs. "fake food"-- fake being lots of additives, dehydrated foods, etc. etc. So, I ordered some books online and I have been soaking up a lot of information about this topic... I talked with Justin and we have decided that all meat that we buy from now on will be Organic, and for beef this means grass fed cows not corn fed= healthier more natural cows = healthier meat that we'll be eating. I think for the most part the American public just doesn't have a clue where their food
really comes from-- If we all made an effort to eat only Organic meats and veggies, it might become the "norm" and be less expensive as well as healthier for all. I have found some great recipes and can't wait to try them and blog about it! :) A lot of the information I have been reading has been Vegan type stuff- not that I'm going Vegan- but they do offer a lot of different ideas for soy products etc. which I am interested in too. Here is a link to the Oprah show I saw last week, if you want to check it out...
Here are a few of the books that I am reading or are waiting to come in the mail from Amazon :)

(Yes, this is Alicia Silverstone from Clueless! She looks good, huh?!)